Title: Fundamental of Effective Customer Service

Duration: 8 Hours

Location: TBD

Learning Outcome:

By end of the session, the trainees will be able to,

<![if !supportLists]>(1)
<![endif]>Understand the importance
of effective Customer Service

<![if !supportLists]>(2)
<![endif]>Brand for the Culture of

<![if !supportLists]>(3)
<![endif]>Decode customer’s needs

<![if !supportLists]>(4)
<![endif]>Recover relationship with
upset customer

Learning Points





<![if !supportLists]>(1)
<![endif]>Introduction of trainer

<![if !supportLists]>(2)
<![endif]>Ice Breaker

5 mis

15 mins

Module 1: Introduction to Customer Service

<![if !supportLists]>(1)
<![endif]>What Does Customer
Service Mean to You?

<![if !supportLists]>(2)
<![endif]>Group Activity –
Searching or designing a famous quote

<![if !supportLists]>(3)
<![endif]>Paradigm Shift – Digital
World and its influence on Customer Centric Mindset

15 mins

20 mins

15 mins

Module 2: Your Brand of Culture of Excellence

<![if !supportLists]>(1)
<![endif]>Activity with partner –
Find your perceived Image

<![if !supportLists]>(2)
<![endif]>Developing Professional

<![if !supportLists]>(3)
<![endif]>Develop effective verbal
communication skill- Diplomatic Handling, Choices of Words, Tones of Voices

<![if !supportLists]>(4)
<![endif]>Develop positive
non-verbal communication – Physical distance, Body Languages, Facial
Expression, Eye Contacts

<![if !supportLists]>(5)
<![endif]>Video Sharing and Debrief

<![if !supportLists]>(6)
<![endif]>Game Activity – Creating
your 5 minutes fun team dramas, which includes demonstration of most of the
techniques learned. Vote for funnies drama team to win

15 mins

60 mins

30 mins

30 mins

15 mins

50 mins

Module 3: Decode customer’s need

<![if !supportLists]>(1)
<![endif]>Customer expectation

<![if !supportLists]>(2)
<![endif]>Matrix of customer styles
and your matching level of services

<![if !supportLists]>(3)
<![endif]>Role play – Assigned case
studies and roles

15 mins

30 mins

50 mins

Module 4: Customer Relationship and Recovery

<![if !supportLists]>(1)
<![endif]>Effective customer
relationship management

<![if !supportLists]>(2)
<![endif]>Calming upset customer

<![if !supportLists]>(3)
<![endif]>Identify Problem

<![if !supportLists]>(4)
<![endif]>Synchronise and Summarise

<![if !supportLists]>(5)
responses to Customer’s complaints and relationship recovery

20 mins

15 mins

15 mins

15 mins

20 mins


<![if !supportLists]>(1)
<![endif]>Recap of key notes and
evaluate trainees ‘level of learning

<![if !supportLists]>(2)
<![endif]>Call for Action – Team
commitment for new customer services goal to achieve in next 90 days and how.

20 mins

10  mins